News, 10/18

Breaking news for U.S. News & World Report, Oct. 18, 2017. Putin’s Chef Suspected of Funding Fake News Operation CNN Poll: Majority of Americans Disapprove of GOP Tax Plans Diabetes Medication Could Be Available in Pill Form Sex Sting Leads to 277 Arrests in Florida

Donald Trump’s 10 Biggest Beefs

Donald Trump is known for his brutal honesty and it’s one of the reasons he’s been attracting fans and followers. The business mogul-turned-GOP front-runner is not shy about speaking his mind, even if it means starting a battle — and even if it means taking on the likes of Pope Francis. He has gone head-to-head withContinue reading “Donald Trump’s 10 Biggest Beefs”

Victorious New Hampshire Losers

All political primaries have ups and downs. Candidates can win primaries but lose the party nomination and vice versa. Take a look at some candidates who lost the New Hampshire primary, but still went on to win their party’s nomination–and for some, the White House. Victorious New Hampshire Losers

Brutal South Carolina Primary Moments

The South Carolina primary is just days away, and the claws are coming out among the GOP candidates. The state has quite the reputation when it comes to presidential campaigns. Known for its history of mudslinging, whisper campaigns and vicious rumors, all eyes are on the newest candidates to see what scandals could arise. ReadContinue reading “Brutal South Carolina Primary Moments”